Piazza Foro Giulio Cesare 15 | 33043 Cividale del Friuli (UD, Italia) +39 349 3245971 silvia.assgaggia@gmail.com

Trevor Pinnock

Concerto-evento di Trevor Pinnock

per il 10° anniversario dalla scomparsa di Sergio Gaggia

Domenica 24 ottobre 2010

How well I remember one foggy night in January 1983 when I was driven from Venice airport to Cividale by Sergio Gaggia, the man who would become one of the closest friends of my life. We fell into easy discussion and I quickly realised that this man had a wealth of learning which he carried without the need to display it. Then I noticed the twinkle in his eye and his constant humour. Here was a very unusual and interesting person. Soon I came to realise that there was almost no end to the many facets of this remarkable man who was passionate about learning and living - his immense musical knowledge, his skill as an engineer, his knowledge of ancient Greek and the classical world, his skill as a sailor - the list goes on and on.

Together we discovered a strong bond through the music of Bach - 'Father Bach is a truly good God' as Sergio wrote to me following my visit. Together we also found a truly remarkable friendship as men, expressed so beautifully by Sergio, "with fears as mine, doubts, pain, joy of living, eating, walking and joy to give and receive love".

What a privilege to have found this friend who is still present in my life although in body he departed ten years ago. And what a joy it is to still have the closeness of his wife Adele and Michele, his son, who has collaborated with me on various projects in which we are both aware of Sergio looking demandingly but benevolently over our shoulders.

Thank you Sergio for all I learned from you and for that gift of friendship which is richer than anything else in life. This programme, with Father Bach at the centre, is for you.

Trevor Pinnock

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